Bebe silk blouse (old)
Skirt (given to me by a friend)
Seychelles oxford peep toe pumps
D&G clutch/wallet
Mac "Girl About Town" lipstick
OPI "Mermaid's Tears" nail polish
This is what I wore earlier today. I wanted to wear a sleeveless polka dot dress and my new pink pumps...but the weather didn't permit. Instead I wore something that I would wear if I worked at an office (which I used to. That was perhaps the only positive side of working at an office...I got to dress up). I think it's a cute conservative look for an office, family friendly event, or to go to church in.
I had a "guest" photographer today. My youngest brother took these pictures (which is a miracle). For the past three years, he was suffering from a rare eye condition. He had extreme sensitivity to any kind of light (not even the darkest sunglasses/eyeglasses/contacts would help). On top of that, cataracts were growing in both eyes and he had glaucoma. He went to every eye specialist in the area and was seen by numerous doctors. But about two weeks ago, he miraculously got better. He's now able to walk outside like...a normal person! He is by far, the strongest person I have ever met. He's always been an upbeat and funny guy...even through those tough times. I love you, little brother!
Another little miracle that happened today (although a bit more on the comical side) is that all of my hens layed eggs today. That usually doesn't happen. Some of my hens are "lazier" than others. I love getting fresh eggs...and even better when they're in bulk ;)
Thanks for reading and HAPPY EASTER!